

By using this website or by providing personally identifiable information to Covertbay, you consent to the collection and use of the information as described in this privacy policy. The purpose of this privacy policy is to provide you with clear and understandable information about Covertbay's privacy practices.

Information we collect

Covertbay gathers information from you to help us manage our relationship with you. The information we gather may include: contact details, such as your user name, email address, telephone number, your company, and your title, if you contact us by email we may keep a record of your contact information and correspondence, including any information that you provide to us in your message, information you provide to us to receive technical assistance or during customer service interactions, shipping, billing, and payment information, your transaction history, information about other people that you may provide to us with any program or services, information about your computer or device, including browser type and settings, IP address, and traffic data relating to your Internet connection, product performance data and information about how you use our products and services, and aggregated data or other information that does not specifically identify you, such as actions taken on our websites.